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Ways to Care for Exterior Paint

Arizona weather isn’t cooling down anytime soon, so it is important to consider how vital it is to take care of your exterior paint job. Exterior paint, although made to be just that, exterior, can benefit greatly from regular care and maintenance. It is com...
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Stencil Designs: Ideas & How To!

Stencils are a great way to spice up any wall. Stencils are a great way to get creative, ensure you won`t have a messy outcome, and to have the satisfaction of doing something yourself. There are many types of stencils you can get ideas from, the only limitati...
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Painting Stairwell Railings

Stairwells railing are often forgotten about when considering what to repaint in the home. Railings seem difficult and can pose challenges to painting cleanly and thoroughly. Painting stairwell railings doesn’t have to be a difficult and time-consuming task....
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What Color to Paint Your Bathroom

With trends changing with the seasons, it can be impossible to know just what direction to go with your new bathroom paint color. How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning? Set the mood for yourself! Want to feel like royalty? Or maybe you want t...
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Removing Old Wallpaper

Paint can quickly breathe life into your home. Things looking a little boring or outdated? Reconsider your wallpaper. Although it can be a paint to think about changing out your wallpaper, it might be time to rethink your space bring back more depth and color....
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Paint Undertones: How to Identify Them and Why It Matters

When it comes time to paint something, like a wall or furniture, you probably have a good idea of what you want it to look like. You likely picked out your color based on the different paint chips and samples that you looked at and chose the one you liked the ...
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The Easiest Way to Add Curb Appeal: Front Door Color Ideas

Believe it or not, your front door color displays your personality before a person even enters your home. The front door is one of the first things that visitors or passersby notice about a home. Whether the front door is bright and colorful or darker for a mo...
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Easy Paint Touch Ups to Make Your Home Look New

Your home has been through a lot. Whether it’s the hustle and bustle of everyday life, hosting a holiday party, or your children deciding your walls are the perfect canvas for their art time, your home is going to take a few for the team. You have probably n...
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Dos and Don’ts of Adding an Accent Wall

There’s are multiple ways to turn a boring or bland room in the house into a bold statement. An accent wall is a timeless way to achieve this. Rather than hanging another piece of wall art or giving up on a room entirely, consider painting an accent wall to ...
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Arizona Painting Company