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Arizona Painting Company Participates in the Paint It Forward Initiative

Arizona Painting Company is a proud supporter and participant in the nationwide Paint It Forward movement.

Each year we select a deserving homeowner, business, or local charity to receive a complimentary interior or exterior painting project. For 2023, our nomination period is now closed. However, our nominations are open all year long and we are now accepting 2024 nominations for Phoenix, and Tucson for our Paint It Forward campaign. The organizations, businesses, individuals, and/or families are nominated by their loved ones and hand-selected by the Arizona Painting Company. We understand that even a new coat of paint can be costly, and it can become hard to afford a large painting project.

Paint It Forward Winners

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Every year, we receive hundreds of nominations, but we are only able to select two winners from Tucson and two from Phoenix to receive the grand prize.

The winner will receive $5,000 towards their interior or exterior painting project! This includes everything – labor, paint, and supplies!

The Arizona Painting Company reviews all submissions and takes into consideration their need and story. While we wish we could choose everyone, we must vote as a company to determine the winners.

Sometimes finances are tight due to the loss of employment, unexpected expenses, or a life-changing situation. When we decided to participate in the Paint It Forward movement, we wanted to help positively impact the lives of others! There is no better way for us to hear their story than for you to tell it! By completing the submission form below, you can nominate a person, business or charity you feel deserves a free $5,000 towards their painting project from the Arizona Painting Company.

Arizona Painting Company