homes style

Using Paint to Complement Your Home’s Style

There is a golden rule in the painting industry and among seasoned homeowners – you never paint to the detriment of your home’s style. Simply put: when colors clash, it can completely upset the style you have established when you first decorated your property.

A style is constant and uniform. It both draws and leads the eye so the observer gets an overall picture of what you are all about. The style of your home is a reflection of you. Chaos due to poor color choices may suggest you are not in the right frame of mind – and rightly so! Consistency in style is a fundamental element of home décor.

Paint for Curb Appeal

You have a number of features on the exterior of your home you shouldn’t attempt to paint. Examples include stone or stucco features. These should act as a necessary contrast when it comes to choosing your template. You will have to paint around permanent external features while using them to your benefit.

The colors of features you cannot change will provide you with the foundations for painting. You need your chosen colors to complement these external mainstays; otherwise, your property will look undesirable and out of place. You may think the color palette in your head will make your home stand out, and you may be right, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will look attractive from the street.

Consider how your home will look in relation to other nearby properties. Do you really want a home that appears more like a tourist attraction than a place where someone lives? Lighter colors are ideal for properties surround by trees and leafy plants. However, if your property, and others near it, are bereft of fauna, you can go ahead and choose a darker color palette for your exterior paint.

Primary and Trim

How many homes have you noticed with dark shades as a primary exterior color? Unless you are a keen observer of your surroundings, the answer is probably none. Traditionally, light colors rule when it comes to primary colors for exterior paintwork. Darker colors are reserved for trims because the two create the contrast that gives the property instant curb appeal.

However, you can and should challenge these norms. It is okay to experiment with different color ideas for your exterior paintwork. The Arizona Painting Company can provide advice on which colors will work and which colors won’t. The choice is ultimately yours, but it helps to have advice from experts in painting before you begin any project.

Interior Painting Projects

You have to remember there are other surfaces in your internal rooms that will have an impact on your color scheme. The floor in each room should be a consideration when embarking upon a painting project in your home. If a floor in a room is carpeted in deep blue, for instance, you will want to choose colors that do not conflict with the existing surroundings.

Permanent fixtures such as fireplaces and built-in shelving can also dictate the colors you choose. If you want to change the complexion of a room, you may want to consider accenting the wall that is home to the most prominent feature in the room. The casual observer’s eye will always draw towards the most interesting feature, so why not accent the surrounding wall?

Consistent Themes

It is important you do not go wild when painting your rooms. Remember, there are some areas in your home that naturally bleed into one another. If you choose to use conflicting colors in these areas it will create confusion. A hallway painted in soft neutral shades, leading into a kitchen with harsher dark colors is not very attractive. It’s often confusing and does nothing to compliment the style of your home.

If you are going to use different color schemes throughout your home, it is important to ensure there is a door separating those spaces. For rooms that lead into one another, panel doors without glass are the only way to ensure your décor does not clash in an otherwise continuous space.

Accented Walls

Sometimes a room will look dull with the same color on every wall. An accented wall can completely change the appearance and dimensions of a room. Walls with interesting features such as fireplaces or built-in bookshelves are perfect for accenting. You can create a focal point in the room that will have your visitors pointing out the feature – all thanks to your accented paintwork.

By simply painting a wall in a different color than the rest, you can complement the style of your home on a minimal budget. Accented walls will work in both large and small homes. You just need to choose the right colors for your needs.

If you need help choosing colors to compliment your home’s style, speak to the professionals at the Arizona Painting Company.

Arizona Painting Company