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Painting Pinspiration

From textured walls to glittered bedrooms to full floor makeovers, Pinterest is the perfect place to find painting inspiration.

Getting Started

To start looking for Painting Pinspiration, start with a general idea and perform a quick search. Are you looking to add some oomph to your kitchen? Considering searching for bright hues, chevron stripes, or striking accent wall ideas. Searching for the perfect way to brighten up your little one’s bedroom? Search for wall art, Disney paint, or chalkboard tips.

Though at first glance, many of the pins you see may just look like snippets of a larger DIY project, be sure to click back to the original blog or website that pin is featured on. Oftentimes, not only will you find a step-by-step explanation of the unique technique, but you’ll also find a series of related DIY projects, perfect for additional home transformations.

Create a Pinterest Board

After you find a pin (or maybe more!) that catches your eye and gets your creativity flowing, the next step is to create your very own board to keep and store your ideas. Whether you deem it public or private, by creating a board dedicated to home decor and renovation, you’ll be able to organize your inspiration so you can continue to refer to it during the beginning, middle, and end of your DIY project.

If you’re interested, be sure to post your own pictures to Pinterest after you’ve tried out (and hopefully, fallen in love with!) your new look so you can help inspire others in the DIY community.

Just finished a painting pinspiration project? Have a Pinterest recommendation? Share it with us in the comment section below! Our AZ painters would love to see what you’ve come up with!

Written by  Christina Arregoces

Arizona Painting Company