2024 West Valley Paint It Forward volunteers and winner

2024 West Valley Paint It Forward Campaign

Each year, each of our branches selects a deserving homeowner, business, or local charity to receive a complimentary interior or exterior painting project. These organizations, businesses, individuals, and/or families are nominated by their communities & loved ones and hand-selected by the Arizona Painting Company!


Meet the Winner!

This year’s West Valley Paint It Forward winner was Deborah! Learning of Deborah‘s struggle with brain cancer and having to file for bankruptcy all within the last year, we were moved to offer our support. Despite facing adversity, Deborah‘s kindness has left a lasting impression on us. We believe everyone deserves a comfortable home, especially during tough times.


The Project

After hearing her story, Arizona Painting Company knew Deborah was the perfect candidate for this year’s West Valley Paint It Forward campaign! We were super excited to be able to give back to such a strong woman that has made such a huge impact on the people around her!



We Thank the Communities We Serve!

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve communities throughout Phoenix and Tucson each year. We would not be where we are today without our loyal customers, your kind words, and your willingness to help us continue to give back. With your help, we will continue to give back in any way we can to bring hope, positivity, and meaningful change with Paint It Forward.

Arizona Painting Company