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2017 Paint It Forward Giveaway Winner

Introducing the Tuey Family

Paint It Forward | Residential and Commercial Painting | Interior | Exterior | Fence and Gate | Phoenix | Arizona Painting Company

Nominated by numerous family friends, Michelle Rigby, Carrie Sherman, and Liz Stowell, the Tuey family has been recognized as humble, kind, loving, and committed to their family, friends, and community. Along with their children, Richard and Kate Tuey have lived in their home for 13 years and are a true example of a Christian family.

On March 27th, their young son passed away unexpectedly. They had celebrated his fourth birthday just three days before. As they faced an incredible loss, their family, friends, and community rallied behind them providing meals and support and helped them pay the funeral expenses and medical bills. But, then the Arizona Painting Company heard their story…

The Project

After hearing their story, the Arizona Painting Company knew that this was the right family for the 2017 Paint It Forward. Joe Campbell, Owner of Arizona Painting Company, had the pleasure of contacting the family to let them know the good news. With excitement, the Tuey Family accepted the offer and the Arizona Painting Company went to their home, completed a color consultation, and scheduled the interior and exterior painting project for August 26, 2017!

We Thank the Communities We Serve

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve communities throughout Phoenix and Tucson each year. We would not be where we are today without our loyal customers, your kind words, and your willingness to help us continue to give back.

Owners, Joe Campbell, Joe Miller, and Doug Caris, want to say thank you. “We are extremely excited and grateful for the opportunity to be able to give back to the Tuey family and bring new life to their home. We are thankful for our dedicated and passionate employees that stand with us and volunteer their time to give back to families like the Tueys each year.”

A special thank you goes to Sherwin Williams for donating the interior and exterior paint, and Scratch Culinary, who will be donating lunch for the entire team, and OdySea Aquarium for donating tickets for the family as we provide this incredible $5,000 paint job to the Tuey family.

Arizona Painting Company