Cracked blue paint on a wall surface with messy ground

Most Common Reasons Why Your Paint Cracks

A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your home and furniture. It can brighten a room, give life to home and open up a space. But that same coat of paint can become a nightmare if it’s not done right. Nothing is more disappointing than a paint project gone wrong. This can do the opposite of what you wanted by making whatever was painted an eyesore rather than a masterpiece. Some of the common paint mishaps that can happen are cracking, bubbling, and peeling. You may be wondering why this happens and how to prevent it before you begin your next DIY paint project or hire a painter. Here are the top reasons why your latest paint job already has cracks.

Preparation (Or Lack Thereof)

Prior to painting, there are many preliminary tasks to complete like selecting a color, finish, and painting tool. One very important task that often gets overlooked is preparing the surface before painting it. This is critical for a smooth paint job with no hiccups. This will help ensure that the paint adheres to the surface correctly and looks at how it is supposed to in the end once it dries. Poor preparation is a common culprit in why paint cracks, chips, peels, and bubbles. Before painting, always make sure the surface is clean. This will prevent dirt, dust particles and any other gunk stuck to the wall from being sealed forever and potentially ruining the aesthetic of your new paint. Another trick that can make all the difference is filling-in dents or holes in the wall. Depending on the surface, you may also need to sand it down and use a primer.

Low-Quality Paint Products

They say that you get what you pay for and when it comes to paint, this can be very true. The less you pay for paint could also mean the less likely it is to stand the test of time. This could result in it peeling, cracking, or chipping more easily and sooner than a higher quality paint would. Prior to selecting your paint, make sure to do your due diligence. It never hurts to research a product, ask around and read the reviews. This will help inform your decision and give you a heads up if problems are in store later down the road. Of course, price is usually a big factor in these decisions but consider paying more now for higher quality, longer-lasting paint. You may also save money in the long run investing in better paint by avoiding future retouch and repainting costs.

Errors Made While Painting

A common reason for cracking paint is an error being made during the painting process. Using the correct amount of paint is very important for the outcome of the project. If too much or too little paint is applied, then cracking can happen easily and quickly which can be very frustrating. Luckily, there is an easy solution to this. The best way to avoid this is simply to paint thin, even layers until you see the desired result you were looking for. This way you can always add paint as needed and stop when you feel it is enough to avoid using too much. When layering paint, it is crucial to let the first layer dry completely before adding the next layer. If you add another coat of paint without the previous one drying, then things could look pretty messy and cracking will likely occur.

Environmental Factors

One of the reasons for cracking or peeling paint is bubbling. After paint bubbles, it has the potential to crack completely. Bubbling in paint is caused by the presence of moisture, heat or both. Before applying the first layer of paint, ensure that the wall is completely dry and cool. If the wall is damp or hot, then the paint will not adhere correctly. Also, try to avoid painting in a humid room or climate. If this is unavoidable, consider painting during a more favorable time of the year or using a dehumidifier.

Natural Aging

Like us, paint ages and this is normal. Depending on when the paint job was done, it may begin to crack and that is simply a sign that the paint has lived a good life and has reached the end of its lifespan. This means it is time to remove that paint and apply a whole new coat. Paint’s lifespan varies as not all paints are created equal. When selecting paint, make sure to read reviews and ask about the lifespan f the paint.

Consider Hiring an Expert

If there is already paint peeling, cracking or bubbling in your home, you may want to consider us for the job. Removing the paint can be time-consuming, stressful and even damage the surface is not done properly. Let us fix and repaint while you relax knowing your home is in expert hands. If you are not an experienced painter or don’t have all the resources to paint your home confidently, our color consultants and painters at Arizona Painting Company can help by using advanced techniques and industry knowledge! Our extensive experience qualifies us to pick the perfect color, paint and finish for any project. Contact us today.

Arizona Painting Company