AZPT small room

Make Your Small Room Look Bigger

For almost 2 centuries, paint as we know it has been used to trick the human eye. For homeowners with smaller rooms, the answer to your problem is the clever use of paint to change the perception of size.

The problem with small rooms is that they are often suffocating, which makes the space uncomfortable. By fooling the eye, you can change the appearance of a room in such a way that it appears and feels much larger. A combination of clever color choice, techniques, furniture placement, and appropriate lighting will work wonders in even the smallest rooms.

Color Choices

If you want to make a room appear larger, it’s usually a good move to opt for brighter colors that are known to open up spaces. This is achieved through the reflection of light, making the room feel much more spacious. Soft tones, such as off-white, blue or green, are relaxing and really open up an otherwise confined space. You can use lighter colors to great effect by painting trims to give the impression of walls that are much further away than the dimensions of the room would suggest.

The Light Effect

Along with paint, effective use of light is your friend. The natural light that reflects off your paintwork will brighten up the room and create a more comfortable living space. There are also light fixtures available that are specially designed to provide the impression of natural light for rooms that are not well orientated.

Windows that are not obstructed by blinds are ideal for letting in natural light and making a room appear larger. If your view is less than appealing, you can use plants around the windows to make for a more attractive feature. Lamps also help to improve the appearance of window walls that are dull and lifeless.

Avoid Clutter

Clutter is the enemy of small rooms. If you have a lot of unneeded items taking up space in the room, no amount of clever paint and lighting is going to make the room look or feel larger. For your own comfort, ditch anything that doesn’t need to be in the room so you can breathe easier when spending time in your tiny living space.

Your reduction of clutter should include the walls in the rooms. While posters and other adornments may have looked great when you bought them, they can seriously impact how you perceive the size of your room. It is better to have one large feature on a wall that draws the eye and contributes to the illusion of a larger room.

Focal Points

Focal points are an important technique when you want to open up a smaller room. When you walk into a room, the focal point should be the first thing that draws your attention. Think of furniture objects such as beds and dining tables, which should be the main focus relative to the room type. This feature is the most important thing in the room, so avoid items that distract from the main focal point.

Floors can break the illusion of a focal point if items such as rugs interrupt the perception of more space. Remove these items so that the floor space appears larger and helps complete the illusion you have created with paint, light and your focal point.

Mirror Magic

Mirrors create tunnels of perception, so if you place them cleverly, you can trick the eye into thinking the room is significantly larger. It is recommended that you place your mirrors in such a way that they are aimed towards a focal point. This technique creates the appearance of greater depth, which works even better when you have used the right colors in the most effective ways.

You can also place mirrors in a way that catches the reflection of the outside, bringing elements of nature into the room in which you are creating the illusion of increased size. The great thing about mirrors is that you can experiment without having to make any changes that aren’t easily reversible.

Consult with a Professional

If you feel that these techniques are beyond your capabilities, don’t worry – you can always consult with the professionals from the Arizona Painting Company. We are ready to step in and provide our expertise in bringing your small room to life with professional painting services.

Call today for a quote or consultation with one of our team members, who will be more than happy to guide you through the process of achieving the living space that you have always wanted, regardless of the perceived limitations of a smaller room. This is our promise to you as Arizona’s number one painting company.

Arizona Painting Company