
How to Remove or Paint Over Graffiti

Even if you live in a “good” area, you still have the risk of graffiti tarnishing your property. Once you see it, your first instinct is how to remove it. Here is what you need to know when you want to get rid of graffiti, by painting over or removing it.


Before putting any time into removing graffiti, check and see if it’s actually your job. For homeowners, graffiti removal may be a service provided by your local government or Homeowners Association (HOA). You may also want to report the graffiti to local law enforcement, as they may want to photograph and document the vandalism before you begin removing it.

Removing Graffiti

There are a variety of graffiti cleaners and solvents available at the hardware store, depending on the surface you are removing it from. You’ll want to get started on removing the graffiti within 24-48 hours to get the best results. When working with graffiti removers, pay attention to the surrounding area as landscaping can be damaged by the harsh chemicals. Try testing a small patch first to make sure you’re not worsening the problem by adding a solvent. Also, make sure you always use proper eye protection, wear a mask and cover the ground with tarps or trash bags.

Tips for Smooth surfaces

Porous and Rough surfaces


If none of the above removal methods work, it may be easiest to just repaint the surface to cover the graffiti. This can cause the least damage to the surface. Getting an exact color match is difficult, so it’s helpful if you have leftover paint from when you painted the surface originally. Otherwise, you may end up needing to repaint the entire surface to cover the graffiti spot.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by removing or repainting graffiti, Arizona Painting Company can help! We offer services including power washing, repairing and painting graffitied surfaces. Give us a call today to get your home or commercial building back to looking beautiful!

Arizona Painting Company