How to Make a Chalkboard Wall Calendar

Whatever your motivation, a chalkboard wall calendar is a really cool addition to any home, and it’s useful, too! Carefully follow these steps and you’ll have the calendar of your dreams in no time.

1. Sketch your calendar

You need a plan before you can get started. Create a sketch, preferably on graph paper, detailing all the dimensions and measurements of your chalkboard calendar. Do you want all the squares to be uniform, or do you want to render weekends in a different size? Where will you put the name of the current month? Answer these and other questions now, before it’s too late.

2. Gather necessary supplies

At a bare minimum, you’ll need painter’s tape, measuring tape, and a can of chalkboard paint. A foam roller is ideal for large-scale application such as this.

3. Tape the wall into sections

Stick closely to your sketch for this process; you’ve already made measurements, so adhere to them.

4. Apply paint

Paint away! You’ll likely need more than one coat before the chalkboard will be workable.

We hope that after you use this guide, your life becomes dramatically more organized and productive. Chalkboard wall calendars can do that to a person. For more life-changing projects for DIY Arizona painters, subscribe to our blog!

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