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Four Considerations When Painting an Office

Your attention to detail can make or break a business deal. It begins when your customer first enters your place of business. Here are four things you want to take into consideration when you decide to paint your office.

1. Choose the Materials that Will Work Best for Your Space

Take into consideration the type of customers or clients you serve. This will have an impact on the type of paint you choose to use on your walls. For example, if your business caters to families, and/or has high traffic, high-quality, semi-gloss paint is a good option.

This type of paint will last a long time and it will be easy to keep clean. A washable paint allows you to keep those walls looking good even when things get busy. Better quality semi-gloss paints stand up to multiple washings, while lower quality paints will come off and/or fade with regular cleaning.

Flat paint is porous and therefore more difficult to keep clean, and you want your office to stay looking as clean as possible. Cheaper paints, no matter the level of sheen or lack thereof, will not hold up as well. In the long run, cheap paint can cost you as much or more than high-quality paint since you will need to do more frequent paint jobs.

Matte finish paints work well for low-traffic areas and when your business has a showroom or is a boutique establishment. Flat finishes absorb the light and do not show imperfections in the wall as readily as glossy paints. These types of paint also have a clean look.

2. Keep Your Walls Clean

How your office space looks can reveal the way in which you work, or at least that is the perception your clients may have. Therefore, it is important that you keep your walls looking clean. Taking care of scuffs and marks as soon as possible will not only keep the space looking nice, it makes it easier for you.

Cleaning marks from your walls immediately are the best way to go if at all possible. Fresh marks are considerably easier to clean away than those that have had time to set in. It is also important to wash the walls as opposed to scrubbing them. Washing your walls takes a much lighter touch and will extend the life of the paint. Scrubbing them can cause discoloration and/or damage.

Start by cleaning with clear water and a soft cloth. If that does not remove the marks, you can add a little cleaning solution. Always begin by cleaning gently rather than attacking with scrubbing. Use the least amount of force possible to protect the paint.

3. Using Touch-Up Paint

Touching up paint on walls is not the easiest thing to do. The longer the walls have had paint on them, the more difficult it will be to do an adequate touch-up job. This is because the walls have undergone wear and tear over time and the paint on the wall has lost water. Flat paints are easier to touch up than older semi-gloss and glossy paints. In fact, touching up the glossy paints can be next to impossible if they have been on the wall for a length of time. You may be better off planning on a fresh coat of paint.

If the walls have been painted with flat paint, you may be able to do a decent job of touching up by using a foam brush. If the walls were painted within the last few years, put a little paint on the brush and use a dabbing technique to apply paint onto the area that needs to be restored.

4. Invest in Quality

Your business is an important investment. You have great expectations and you want your venture to be prosperous and successful. Every day you make quality investments to reach this end, whether it is in time, materials or goods. Bring that same mindset to the appearance of your office.

Investing in high-quality paint and a high-quality paint job adds value to your business. A nice looking space with clean walls may seem like a small thing, but it is the little things that catch your customers’ eyes and they can make a difference when it comes to closing the deal.

When you make the decision to paint your office space, it is important that the job is done well. Painting takes substantial time and effort. It is not a job that you want to have to repeat again and again. A high-quality paint job takes care of all the little details and it will last for years and still look nice.

Arizona Painting Company is known for its high-quality, professional service. Contact us when you are considering painting your office space. We can advise you on the best type of paint and make suggestions on colors that will be beneficial to your business. Call us to schedule a consultation.

Arizona Painting Company