Letitia Discoe Chosen For the 2023 Paint It Forward With The Arizona Painting Company

Letitia Discoe Chosen For the 2023 Paint It Forward With The Arizona Painting Company

PHOENIX, AZ: It is that time of year again for the Arizona Painting Company to Paint It Forward! We are giving back to the community by donating a $5,000 painting project to a deserving Arizona community member. While we read through hundreds of nominations, we’ve selected a fantastic woman with an incredible story of kindness, perseverance, and humility. With a fresh coat of paint, the Arizona Painting Company hopes to bring joy to this well-deserving Arizona homeowner.


Introducing Letitia Discoe

Letitia Discoe is a single mom of two special needs children: Conor and Jackson. Both boys have been diagnosed with Autism and recently Conor has begun to experience issues with his spine that required major surgery. Letitia works full-time and volunteers at events for the Autism Society of Greater Phoenix on top of being an amazing mom to Conor and Jackson and caring for her own mother.


Letitia makes everyone smile even on her worse days. She always has a can-do problem-solving attitude and never gives up. When purchasing her home, it needed a few repairs as it is an older home, but Letitia is known to always find a tutorial online and learn to do things herself. Having her house painted, meant one less thing for Letitia to worry about saving money for and more funds she can use for her boys and other home improvements.


The Project

After hearing her story, Arizona Painting Company knew that Letitia was deserving of the 2023 Paint It Forward Project. Letitia was chosen because she lives out two of our company’s values – Choose to be positive and treat people how they want to be treated. With excitement and gratitude, this painting project was completed on Saturday, April 8, 2023!


We Thank the Communities We Serve!

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve communities throughout Phoenix and Tucson each year. We would not be where we are today without our loyal customers, your kind words, and your willingness to help us continue to give back. With your help, we will continue to give back in any way we can to bring hope, positivity, and meaningful change with Paint It Forward.


A special thank you goes to Sherwin Williams for donating the exterior paint as we provide this incredible $5,000 paint job to Letitia.

Arizona Painting Company