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10 Things Your House Painter Wishes You Knew

Paint can literally transform a house and is usually one of the first projects under consideration by homeowners. Painting your home is not something you want to repeat every few years, so it is important to consider some relevant factors when contemplating the addition of new paint.

Have you ever wished you knew a really good, professional painter so you could ask them some candid questions? What would this trusted friend tell you about the painting process? What would he or she advise you to do or avoid at all costs? Consider this article your trusted friend, and pay close attention to the advice given. Here are 10 things from your friendly Arizona Painting Company house painter wants you to know – before painting your house!

  1. Good References Are Your Guide – Always ask prospective painting contractors for the names and phone numbers of satisfied customers. You can call these previous clients or you can read their testimonials online! A reputable company will always have some references and testimonials to share with you. You can read testimonials from past Arizona Painting Company clients and read why clients choose us over other painting companies.
  2. All Bids are Not Alike – Don’t be guilty of confusing price with value. Painting, even house painting, is an art, and cheap work shows. Many homeowners hire a wino-priced painting contractor and then expect a champagne job. You truly get what you pay for, and this is especially true when contracting professional services. Demand a complete estimate that includes everything in writing, including an explanation of preparatory steps, materials to be used, and painting procedures.
  3. Demand a Worthy Warranty – Every painting job should have a signed contract and warranty that specifies what each party has agreed to do, before work begins. A warranty protects you from product failures or oversights and poor quality workmanship. The Arizona Painting Company offers the only 10 Year Paint Warranty in Arizona!
  4. There is Work for You, Too – All preparation for painting cannot and should not be done by the painting contractor. Any furniture removal or shrubbery and tree trimming to provide adequate clearance should be completed by the homeowner prior to the beginning of paint surface preparation. It’s our responsibility as your painter to provide you with checklists to prepare your home for painting. You can download them from our website.
  5. Proper Preparation is Imperative – At least 35-40% of a professional-quality paint job will be invested in surface preparation. And, this is exactly where less-qualified painters cut their bids. The differences between a cheap rush job and a professional one are easily recognizable. Time can be saved by not cleaning things, covering things, or filling imperfections, but these glaring failures only magnify homeowner frustrations. Watch out for painters who skimp on or gloss over proper preparation. Always ask what steps they take before the actual painting begins. Rest assured that we handle everything from start to finish and we don’t cut any corners – ever.
  6. Materials Matter – Premium grade primers and paints are worth the extra cost. These quality-grade materials spread smoothly, adhere better, and cover more evenly. They are also more resistant to normal wear and use and withstand repeated cleanings. This is another place where the cheaper painter will cut costs, either in the quality or amount of material needed. Painters who dilute materials to make them go further are stealing your money. The estimate should include the grade and amount of material needed to provide adequate and satisfactory coverage.
  7. Pay Attention to Application – Painting your home is not just slathering on color with brushes, sprayers, or rollers. Professional painting is a skill acquired by long practice. Your paint contractor is a skilled professional who knows how to apply different materials to varying surfaces and also understands the materials used. You won’t have to watch a professional painter for long before his or her preparation of the house-canvas for painting reassures you that your home is in good hands.
  8. Work With the Weather – The best time for painting is when temperatures are between 50 and 90 degrees, and conditions are dry. Temperatures below 50 degrees may prevent paint from adhering properly, and dampness can bubble painted surfaces. Try to avoid painting when conditions are wet, windy, or dusty.
  9. Cover What is to Remain Uncolored – Be sure that your flowers, shrubbery, gardens, vehicles, furniture, decks, patios, and walkways are covered from possible spills and splatters, and overspray with plastic sheeting or drop cloths. Beware of how far overspray can drift when using sprayers.
  10. Communication is Key – Be open to the contractor’s suggestions and always ask questions or share concerns openly. Potential problems or misunderstandings are avoided and good working relationships are fostered by honest and frequent communication. Your professional paint contractor wants to be treated as a valued partner in your home renovation project and will treat you as a respected client.

Are you seeking a professional painting contractor for your interior and exterior painting project? At Arizona Painting Company, we do not cut corners or skimp on quality in materials or services. We value the reputation we have earned in our community and within the painting industry. You can have peace of mind knowing that when you contact the professionals at Arizona Painting Company, the work is covered by an optional 10-year warranty. If you are not completely satisfied with your results, just call us and we will dispatch a crew to make it right.

Arizona Painting Company is the #1 painting company in the Tucson and greater Phoenix area. Request an estimate online or give us a call at (602) 648-3071  for the best residential or commercial painting in Arizona.

Arizona Painting Company