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Paint Colors to Boost Your Office’s Productivity

There are a variety of things you can do that increase the productivity of your team, some simple and easy, some technical and very expensive. One relatively easy but incredibly effective way to build a productive atmosphere is choosing the right color scheme. The right paint colors for your type of business or your business goals can put you on the path to success.

Can Paint Color Really Boost Productivity?

There are plenty of theories that affirm paint color matters for a lot more than aesthetics. Think about being stuck in a grey, concrete room, with grey desks and chairs, file cabinets and carpeting. Do you think you’ll work to your best ability in that room? Probably not. The boring environment is likely to put you to sleep. Choosing the color that works for your office depends on what goes on from nine to five. Let’s take some basic paint colors and learn how they best connect to productivity.

Calming Colors

Blue – Many people find blue to be relaxing, stable and calming. What may surprise you is that blue is the most productive color for our minds. It stimulates the mind and makes detail-oriented jobs easier. Blue is a great color for accountants or software developers. Anyone engaged in heavy mind work can benefit from blues.

Green – Green is all about balance and harmony. If you want an office that is calm, reassuring and tranquil, green is the way to go. This is why green is prevalent in many medical offices. Also, if you work with a lot of money negotiations or agreements, green is said to be the most conducive to successful money transactions. Green also lessens eye strain, so it’s a productive color for offices requiring employees to put in long hours, such as an accounting firm during tax season.

Energetic Colors

Red – Red stimulates us. Warnings are red. Sale prices are red. McDonald’s is red. Red is particularly stimulating for the physical body. If your business requires people to be on their feet and active, red might be a productive choice. Just make sure to be careful not to overdo it, or all that stimulation can manifest as anger or anxiety.

Yellow – Yellow stimulates our emotions and if you have a creative group with high energy, yellow can bring a lot of joy and productivity into the mix. For most of us, a muted yellow paint color or yellow accent pieces are preferable to a neon yellow wall across from our desk. Yellow is also thought to be conducive to inspiration and innovation. Developing software for apps, designing an architectural marvel or writing the next great novel are all instances where pops of yellow fit the environment.

Orange – While you probably won’t paint the office orange, if employees seem to be a little sluggish, adding some pops of orange could perk things up. Pillows, flowers, lamps and even a bowl of fruit on an end table can all contain some orange to brighten the day.


White – Most people don’t really think of white as a color. The truth is, many off-white shades are very appropriate for some office space. The perfect shade of white can actually give a room the glow of natural sunlight.

Neutral colors, as a general rule, will be softer and more relaxing. While this may work in waiting rooms or other client access rooms, individual offices can benefit from adding some color. Colors influence our mood and enhance our productivity.

Renovating the office may be a little easier now that you know which colors correspond with the vibe that you want for your space. Let the professionals at Arizona Painting Company transform your office space into the perfect environment for productivity. Contact us today for your free estimate.


Arizona Painting Company